Thursday, May 21, 2009

Goodbye to Yesterday...

Your grades are now posted. Enjoy your summer!

This Room Is PackedSo Much High

Don't Ever Change!!!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Final Exam

Just a reminder that the final exam is Wednesday, May 13th in our normal classroom (Madison 311) at our normal class time (noon). You will only have 50 minutes to take the test, so be sure to show up on time.

OK, One: Napping

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

After A Word From These Sponsors...

Here are some links on advertising and reasoning.
Now for some news stuff.
Finally, here's a recent Saturday Night Live skit on the distortions of political ads:
Lies in News?

Friday, May 1, 2009

Own Our Ignorance

Here's an excerpt from a podcast I listen to called Jordan, Jesse GO! Two guys in their twenties are jovially discussing a favorite topic of mine: owning your ignorance.

Other sincerely awesome stuff from them is available at Maximum Fun.

New Sincerity